
View a full list of all the athletes associated with your organization and if they belong to any specific clubs or groups. Look at their information in detail and see all the events they have participated in and their stats for specific distances.


All of your current, past, and future events will show in a full calendar view. When a specific event is selected you will be able to see all relevant information, upload images, and for past events, you will see all athletes who competed and how they scored.


Our system will show you a full list of all the clubs registered within your organization, their name, and their phone number. An acronym can be given to a club along with an assigned colour, which will be used throughout the rest of the dashboard!


See all facilities that your organization has events at with their name and address listed, what time-based events they are able to hold, and if athletes will be electronically or manually timed. All of the facilities are also shown in a full map view!


Key Integrations


Take a Look at Some of the Key Pages

Arc Technologies Time-Based Sports Dashboard

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