
View all of your rental property listings in one convenient location. Have the ability to sort by active or inactive status, view listings specifics, and add relevant images! View individual properties in map view, or see all of your properties on a map at the same time.


Our dashboard will allow you to see a full list of renter and renter information, as well as receive important alerts. Have all of their data stored in one secure location, able to be accessed by all relevant parties instantly. With this system, you no longer have to worry about losing things in the paper shuffle.


Easily view a list of all your stratas with the building name and address, and see all of their locations on a map view. Attach important files to strata listings that can be quickly viewed. Aso have the ability to manage strata document orders and information.


Our maintenance system allows you to easily manage submitted requests. View request information, request status, and associated renter information. Accept or reject requests with one click, get alerts sent straight to your email, and call or email the renter right from the dashboard!


Key Integrations


Take a Look at Some of the Key Pages

Arc Technologies Property Management Dashboard

Ready to make technology work for you?

Click the link below and get in touch with us. We are excited to work with you!